Reducing our carbon footprint means increasing our quality of life.


A Proven Process to Get Us There.

This concept is not new. In fact, it’s a proven process successfully used in more than 500 cities throughout the world including cities such as Zurich, Munich and Vancouver… each on Mercer’s global list of 2017 “Quality of Living” cities.

Local action leveraging a proven, global framework.

Climate change is expected to have significant economic impacts and is generating the short-term need for sizeable investments in infrastructure, mitigation and preparedness projects. At the same time, the prioritization of such large investment needs is very complex and fraught with a number of implementation challenges. In addition, recent financial crises and political uncertainty has left federal, state and particularly municipal governments in fiscal limbo. They have very little room to tackle the necessary investments to achieve de-carbonization in the real estate, transportation and public infrastructure sectors.

Why should we use energy and resources efficiently?

A clear plan is needed so that a focused investment can be made that will dramatically lower local and personal dependency on energy, leading to improved local resiliency.

When local communities leverage the proven, measurable and actionable 2000-Watt Society model to develop and implement a customized Carbon Framework Plan, it results in strengthened competitiveness and provides opportunities for local job growth through innovation and local investment.

At a global level, such communities become part of an international network for holistic thinking and action to achieve a livable and enjoyable carbon-neutral future for all.


Return on Independence (ROI): the greatest value of energy self-sufficiency.



Continued global population growth makes reductions in greenhouse gas emissions an absolute necessity requiring radical reductions of per capita energy. However, the 2000-Watt Society, One-Target-For-All of 2000 watts per person and greenhouse gas emissions limited to 1 ton of CO2 per person per year will deliver:


Facing the future by taking a positive stance to reduce dependency on non-renewable energy sources while simultaneously enriching local economies.


Overcoming the challenge of climate change by reducing the need for energy resource to develop the skills and innovation needed for new and better economic, social and environmental systems that will be the foundation for more powerful and enriched local communities.

Social Justice

Reducing disparities between the “have and have-nots” on the local level or between the industrial and developing countries, allowing poorer countries to attain higher living standards by providing the energy they need at the same time off-setting these increases with reductions in energy use of industrial nations.

Money in Our Pockets

Enjoying big dividends in one’s community based on today’s investment in a carbon-neutral future. The profits and benefits from the reduction of energy resources flow to local residents, meeting and often exceeding their current standard of living.

The 2000-Watt-Society is a comprehensive global sustainable development strategy encompassing technology and personal lifestyle choices of how we live, play, work, eat, move about and the goods we consume. Several studies have demonstrated that reducing energy demand is the most cost-effective first step we can take. Once efficiency measures are implemented, the next step is to substitute carbon-based energy sources with renewable energy sources.


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